Selasa, 14 Januari 2020

DRONAIR is the only Cargo Robotics Industry in the world


Hello! friends meet me again tuyanto on this occasion I will give an information that is about a company that is extraordinary friends, because this company with ideas = a reliable and amazing idea, ultimately this company can solve the world’s transportation problems. And this company with the team has worked hard so that what is expected by many people has been fulfilled, and finally the company has given birth to a new transportation tool that is not in other companies in its class.
And this is the result of hard work and his extraordinary ideas born a transportation that is an unmanned cargo robot in the air, on land and at sea, can dramatically reduce logistics costs around the world and increase efficiency for industrial users and end customers.
The Dronair Operations Platform is the first blockchain-based B2R (Business-to-Robot) As a blockchain with an embedded smart contract, Dronair can offer customers, distribution providers, insurance and leasing companies, banks and regulators worldwide. This will give all members of the industry a profitable new business opportunity, a lower risk and safe transportation system and very beneficial for the user throughout the world.


The best aspect of DRONAIR is facial recognition and artificial intelligence, allowing you to use features that allow drones to orbit around you and follow you.
It can even take excellent customer photos by recognizing facial patterns and structures.

How It Works

There is no need for heavy trucks, drivers to man them, toll and over the road fares, annual DOT taxes, large amounts of fuel, tires and chains, etc.
While our initial costs were substantial, our operating costs are bare minimum. Those savings are passed on to our customers. Our autonomous delivery service cuts down on delivery time dramatically. It is extremely-fast by any standards because freight moves as the crow flies rather than over long and winding roads. More importantly, Dronair is operational 24/7/365 and is location independent.

DRONAIR Ecosystem 

We have seen rapid urbanization in many countries in recent years and this pattern will continue in the future. This accelerated urbanisation results in higher congestion, congested roads and poorer productivity, caused mainly by delays in the movement of people and goods. First and last miles are major issues for residential distribution, as the need for this service increases as online shopping grows. The use of drones for mobility provides significant relief in the inner city areas by needless road transport and the transition into the sky.

Examples of how drone deliveries can work:

• The scenario: a long haul transportation arrives outside the city and is sorting into a warehouse and separated automatically according to certain criteria. The customer will place orders and follow up on delivery using a smartphone app and GPS
• Another scenario: the DRONAIR sits on top of a delivery truck, awaiting a parcel from the driver; the barcode on the parcel is scanned by the drone, it then uses GPS to fly to the destination. Afterwards, the drone hooks up with the truck, recharges its batteries, and gets ready for its next delivery run. 

DRONAIR has built-in AI and Facial Recognition System 

The most important aspect of DRONAIR is the identification of your face and artificial intelligence, so that you can use the features that allow your drone to orbit and follow you. It can also catch the customer excellently by recognizing face features and form.  
Investments Are Concentrated in China, Israel, and the US, with Each Country Serving a Different Market Segment The majority of investments and well-funded startups are concentrated in China, Israel, and the US. However, each country has a different focus within the market: On one hand, China has dominated the consumer market and hardware solutions with Dajiang Innovations (DJI), which accounted for 36% of North American consumer drone sales last year. 


In addition to the above solutions, Dronair has a number of advantages, which are also worth paying attention to. First, unmanned drones can easily deliver parcels to even the most remote corners of human life, where, for example, poorly developed road transport infrastructure and delivery in real time is experiencing enormous difficulties. Secondly, Dronair delivery is able to carry out even the most urgent orders, which makes it more popular in emergency cases, when someone may be in urgent need of certain drugs, and there is no time to wait for the courier.


In residential, commercial and military markets, the drone (cargo robots) market is growing steadily. In a 2016 survey, Goldman Sachs estimated that the total size of drone technology between 2016 and 2020 would exceed $100 billion. While 70% of this amount is related to military activities, the commercial sector is expected to increase to 13 billion dollars between 2016 and 2020 to the fastest rate of growth. 


Our Mission

Dronair’s mission is to be the best shipping service in the world by delivering physical goods fast, reliable and affordable.

What We Aim For

• Fast pick-up & delivery
• Convenient shipment handling
• 24/7 operation on 365 days
• Location-independent service
• Affordable prices
• Eco-friendly technology
• Sustainable materials
• Less road traffic
• Noise reduction in the environment
• Independent service operation

DRONAIR Logistics

The technical flexibility is what makes DRONAIR an efficient and cheap shipping plant. Heavy trucks, drivers for them, taxes and over the streets, annual DOT fees, large amounts of gas, pneumatics and chains are not required, and so on.
Although our initial costs are high, we have modest operating costs. Such benefits will be passed to our customers. Our self-sufficient delivery service dramatically reduces delivery time. The freight runs as the crow flies rather than along the long winding roads and is very fast by all measures. Most specifically, Dronair is 24/7/365 operating and independent of the venue. 

DRONAIR’s Industries

DRONAIR helps companies reduce delivery costs, accelerate shipping times and increase customer satisfaction.
DRONAIR’s technology is designed to ship parcels, food, spare parts and many other products.
• Logictics industry
• Food delivery industry
• Health care industry
• Retail industry
• Suppliers industry

DRONAIR’s Applications

Delivery with DRONAIR are the most efficient shipping method for various applications.
They improve current operations or enable companies to offer new services for their customers.
• Efficient: reduced shipping costs
• Fast: time-sensitive shipments
• Around the clock: 24/7 operation
• Easy: deliveries to remote areas
• Automatic: self-flying drones 

DRONAIR Operating Platform technical details and economics

Blockchain concept for the DRONAIR

Dronair architecture is based on two building blocks: Dronair blockchain itself – private permissioned blockchain customized for the most effective usage in the industry

DAIR Tokens synchronization

For all Dronair projects, DAIR tokens are the currency. Through DAIR tokens, all contracts are stored. While tokens are distributed on the Ethereum public network, they are used entirely at Dronair too. Many synchronization options are available. The use of public transactions in Ethereum is obvious but, due to different speeds of service, it locks Dronair output. Additional costs of public operations of the Ethereum network can also ruin major advantages.The creation of additional’ internal tokens’ as an alternative approach increases the complexity of the system significantly, because it depends on the resource-consuming process of syncing between internal and external balances.

DAIR Token – The internal token of DRONAIR

Dronair is using the DAIR – a utility token

DAIR properties include:

• Internal token of the Dronair required for any transaction,
• Fixed amount of 140,000,000,000 tokens,
• 25% of transaction fees goes to all token holders,
• 25% of transaction fees goes to the Community Development Fund to sustain constant system development and expansion


The 140,000,000,000 DAIR tokens will be distributed as follows:

Pool A : Public-sale

• 40%: will be allocated for sale (Public Sale phases). Unsold DAIR will be Burn.

Pool B: Private-sale

• 20%: will be allocated for sale (Private Sale phases).

Pool C: Team – Advisor

• 20%: will be allocated to the Dronair team (these will be locked initially and made transferrable monthly over 5 years) and will be allocated towards advisory, security and operational purposes.

Pool D: Marketing – Adoption

• 18%: will be allocated towards partner and community development to incentivise participation.

Pool E: Foundation

• 12%: will be alocated for Dronair Foundation. 

Use of funds

The project funds will be used for:
• 40% – Research & Development
– including full-time salaries, contractors, research
• 30% – Marketing & Platform Development
– to build a robust marketing campaign in several languages, user acquisition, etc.
• 22% – Operations, Business and Corporate Development
– to grow business via strategicpartnerships, integration with various stakeholders, and acquiring or partnering with other relevant projects.
• 8% – Legal & Administrative
– Legal, IP protection, accounting and other third party services needed to run our organization


DRONAIR is aimed at delivering according to the following roadmap. These roadmap are subject to change.

Q2 2018

• Idea and Research

Q3 2018

• Design and manufacturing 3D of DRONAIR cargo drones
• Successful aerodynamic tests

Q4 2018

• Research into the most suitable technology and development of a private block chain network
• Development of logic and data of the DRONAIR in tight cooperation with all cargo robotics market stakeholders (hardware producers, operators/clients, authorities, banks/leasing companies)

Q2 2019

• DRONAIR has built-in AI and Facial Recognition System successful
• Partnerships with logistics companies
• Raise fund with VC funding

Q3 2019

• Promote building Drone ecosystems with partners around the world
• Build Partnerships with Crypto Exchange

Q1 2020

• DRONAIR Wallet Launch
• Creation of the international legal structure
• Start of educational campaign and workshops for producers of other types of drones

 Q4 2020

• Rapid growth in DRONAIR drone sales, as a consequence of expansion of the franchise of a drone logistics operator and growth of number of licensed drone producers around the world
• Sale of the first assembled DRONAIR drones and expansion of the partner network in the regions without strict regulations on drone flights (CIS, Asia, and Africa).


1. Liam Thomas – Founder & CEO 
2. Kane Brown – Co-Founder 
3. Laura Moore – CMO  
4. Ilya Alarico – Lead IT Developer  
5. Julia Martin – Investment Manager  
6. Tom Mccarthy – Chief PR Advisor 
7. Dylan Smith – Chief Business Advisor 
8. Luke Brown – Chief Technical Advisor  

Market Adviser

• He is the CEO of the Top 5 Crypto Exchange.

Partners and Customers  

• Amazon Prime Air
• Maersk
• Dronair Media
• Barcelona Logistics
• DHL Logistics
• International Airline Group (IAG)
• Transform Group
• Pix4D


Summing up a certain result, it is worth noting that the level of development of the drone industry will only grow and develop from year to year. After all, this type of transport want to use not only in the transport industry, but also in others, too, because the scope of unmanned vehicles is simply huge. Therefore, I suggest that you do not pass by, but study Dronair in more detail, by means of its technical document and all the official social resources of the project. References which you already long await the bottom.
I hope you liked my review, so I will be happy to read your comments under this post. And that’s all I have. Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

The official resources of the project Dronair:

Bitcointalk username: Rafha andika3
Bitcointalk profile:
Eth address: 

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