Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019


The project will work WITHOUT A BLOCKBANK and earn ordinary fiat money (dollar, euro, yuan, ruble, etc.). But the profit will already be shared between all holders of the LIST token through the Ethereum blockchain.
Services for creating, printing and sending beautiful invitations
Restaurant reservationServices for ordering restaurants and ordering food
Services for ordering masters with ratings
Wedding cakeServices for ordering wedding cakes
Flowers and designService for restaurant decoration
Marketplace wedding gifts are needed
The drinkWholesale store of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
Services for ordering trips to honeymoon
Wedding site and a beautiful invitation
Services for creating wedding sites where newlyweds can create guest lists, send invitations online, tell about vacation spots, provide routes and more. Also make or order a beautiful invitation card.
Master search service
Here, couples can take restaurants, musicians, presenters, florists and many other artists needed to make an unforgettable vacation. All masters will share reviews and ratings.
Online shop for items needed for weddings. The new bride can also make a list of gifts needed and notify guests about it.
Transportation order
Services for booking vehicles for newlyweds and guests. With ratings, reviews.
Tour booking service
New brides will be able to order their wedding tour right on the site using their own comfortable modern services.
What do you get
The main item from Listereum’s income. LIST Token — gives the right to profit from all projects.
Distribution tokens
Distribution funds
More information visit the link below:
Author: Rafaandika
Eth address: 

THALER - Ein dezentraler Filter für neue ICOs!

Die Welt ist eine erstaunliche Sache. Es hat so viele interessante und vielfältige Dinge. Es gibt unzählige Möglichkeiten und Möglichkeiten für Veranstaltungen. Die Kombination davon bildet jedes Mal unter sich alle neuen und verbesserten Lösungen. Was wir mit dem Aufkommen moderner Technologien, nämlich der Blockchain-Technologie, im Prinzip bereits beobachten konnten. Ich denke, es ist für niemanden ein Geheimnis, dass diese Technologie wirklich eine Reihe von Vorteilen hat und auch besondere Eigenschaften, die sie besonders und gleichzeitig einzigartig machen.


Trotz all dieser Vorteile entwickelt und verbessert sich die Struktur von selbst. Diese Wachstumsdynamik entsteht, wenn Technologie6 als Reaktion auf gesellschaftliche Anforderungen sowie auf andere Einflussbereiche, die diesen Technologiebereich in ihren Projekten betreffen, wächst. Das heißt, wenn Sie sich jetzt an die Zeiten erinnern, als die Blockchain mit der weltweit ersten Kryptowährung Bitcoin gerade erst geboren wurde, dann hatte sie eher eingeschränkte Fähigkeiten. Später, im Laufe der Zeit, tauchten eine neue Art von Münzen und eine andere Art von Blockchain auf, die schneller und leichter skalierbar waren. Sie heißt Ethereum. Infolgedessen erschienen viele weitere Blockchain-Netzwerke, von denen jedes bereit ist, seine Besonderheiten zu demonstrieren.

Trotz dieser erfreulichen Wachstumsdynamik und eines positiven Aspekts der Technologie missbrauchten viele Betrüger das Vertrauen des Publikums, insbesondere von Investoren, die mit besonderer Begeisterung in vielversprechende Projekte investierten. Vor dem Hintergrund der traurigen Praxis und einer großen Anzahl von Betrügern ist der Markt für Kryptowährungen in seiner weiteren Entwicklung etwas ins Stocken geraten. Denn vor dem Hintergrund „schöner“ betrügerischer Projekte verlieren die vielversprechendsten Projekte ihre Stimme und weitere Existenzmöglichkeit. Seitdem sind Investoren gegenüber allen Blockchain-Projekten äußerst skeptisch geworden. Das schadet natürlich der Entwicklung nicht nur dieser Technologie, sondern unserer modernen Gesellschaft insgesamt.

Um das Gleichgewicht und die Transparenz aller Abläufe wiederherzustellen, bietet sich ein Team von Spezialisten an. Der Auftrag besteht darin, vollständige und wahrheitsgemäße Informationen über alle nachfolgenden Projekte bereitzustellen, die ihre Bewertung bestanden haben. Es ist interessant zu wissen, wovon ich spreche. Dann lies weiter.

Über das Projekt und seine Vorteile

Wie Sie vielleicht erraten haben, ist das Projekt, über das ich jetzt sprechen möchte, eine Plattform, die ein dezentraler Filter für die Überprüfung sein wird. Über die Benutzer und insbesondere Investoren können die zuverlässigsten Informationen über ein bestimmtes Projekt abgerufen werden, das das System durchlaufen hat - THALER. Einfach ausgedrückt, THALER ist ein Blockchain-Ökosystem mit eingebauten Filtern, Funktionen und Parametern, auf deren Grundlage eine vollständige Analyse anderer Blockchain-Projekte mit allen daraus resultierenden Informationsreferenzen durchgeführt wird.

Um eine derart hochwertige Verifikation durchzuführen, beabsichtigen die Gründer von THALER, erfolgreiche Verifikationsalgorithmen einzusetzen, zu denen Systeme wie die „Jury“, künstliche Intelligenz sowie ein PsP-Informationssammelsystem (in der Gerichtspraxis erfolgreich eingesetzt) ​​gehören. . Dank dieser speziellen Kombination können THALER-Entwickler ihren Nutzern und Investoren ein sehr hohes Maß an Vertrauen entgegenbringen, das zuvor leider keine andere Plattform implementieren konnte.

Merkmale und Prinzipien der Arbeit

Da THALER auf die Weiterentwicklung der Blockchain-Technologie in seinem eigenen Ökosystem abzielt, stellt es für alle internen Abläufe ein eigenes Token-TAL zur Verfügung. Seine Anwesenheit impliziert nicht nur die Standardfunktion gekauft / verkauft, sondern auch die Teilnahme an der Abstimmung. Mit dieser Funktion können Sie demokratischer am Wettbewerb teilnehmen und geeignete Investitionsprojekte genauer bestimmen. Darüber hinaus erhalten die ausgewählten Projekte die maximale Bewertung durch die Jury sowie die volle Beteiligung von Investoren der aktivsten Kryptonutzer.

Es können jedoch nicht alle Projekte in das THALER-Verifizierungssystem aufgenommen werden. Schließlich muss jedes Projekt eine ganze Reihe von Anforderungen erfüllen, um sich darauf einzulassen. Sie müssen sich beispielsweise registrieren lassen, ein technisches Dokument vorlegen und ein spezielles Antragsformular im THALER-System selbst ausfüllen. Erst danach steht es einer breiten Masse von Anwendern des THALER-Systems zur Verfügung. 

Dieses Prinzip soll das Vertrauen in würdige kryptografische Projekte wiederherstellen und die massive Einführung von Kryptowährungen auf der ganzen Welt unterstützen. In der Tat sind viele von neuen Projekten angebotene Tools zweifellos eine integrale Lösung für bestehende Probleme. Darüber hinaus zielen ihre Maßnahmen darauf ab, den Zustand unseres Lebens zu verbessern.


Das Aufkommen von Blockchain-Strukturen wie THALER ist nicht neu. Ich habe bereits über eine ähnliche Ressource geschrieben. Nichtsdestotrotz weist das Erscheinungsbild dieser Plattform eine Reihe von Merkmalen und Vorteilen auf, die es ermöglichen, der bestehenden Konkurrenz zu widerstehen und allen von ihren Möglichkeiten zu erzählen. Aber um dieses Kaleidoskop an Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven von THALER zu bewerten, reicht es natürlich nicht aus, dass Sie eine kurze Rezension von mir lesen. Da draußen liegt ein ganzes Lagerhaus von nützlichen und sehr interessanten Informationen. Sie können sich im Abschnitt „Offizielle Projektressourcen“ damit vertraut machen. Und das ist alles für neue Bewertungen!

Offizielle Projektressourcen THALER:

Autor: Rafaandika
Eth Adresse: 

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019

F U T U R E 1 E X C H A N G E

Hello everyone, this new post I Aqilaputri want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Future1Exchange , and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:


Future1Exchange is a cryptocurrency and digital asset exchange platform designed for professional traders and retail investors. This platform allows users to buy, sell and store digital assets easily and quickly. Future1Exchange is registered and licensed to provide cryptocurrency-to-fiat exchange and wallet services. Its operating behavior is covered by Estonian law. Future1Exchange’s goal is to become Crypto Exchange and the world’s leading platform for Offering Tokens, Digital Asset Portfolios, Detention, Cryptocurrency Education and Forecasting.
We hoping to be one of the many digital asset exchange sites to create the most attractive Blockchain & Cryptocurrency company in the 21st century.
Future1exchange aims to accelerate the world transition to adoption of Blockchain & Crypto.
And Future1Excange also has a mainstay coin that is Future1Coin which has been registered in several markets and also registered at Coinmarketcap.


Future1Excange is a member-only platform with a unique GPP (Group Purchasing Power) that allows its members to buy the best ICOs with high Token Ratings, and on Coin Summits held by companies and on the market at discounted prices.
We also help companies launch their own Token Sales by providing all the tools and services needed to run an ICO.

Future1Excange will bring CryptoCurrency to the masses by launching Blockchain, Fintech, Forex, Derivatives & Digitalcurrency School. Do you remember being taught how to invest in the market? There is a gap in financial market knowledge that exists today and Future1Excange fills the void by providing education and simplifying forex & cryptocurrency. Best Forex & Cryptocurrency education since 2002.

Future1Excange will provide services in the development and distribution of centralized and decentralized Future1Coin cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets & mining.

Future1Excange will bring you Copying Trading Signals. This service allows you to follow and copy Successful Trader trades in forex and cryptocurrency. You can choose to decide how much you want to copy and when you want to stop copying. That also means you don’t have to constantly monitor prices to see when to trade. FUTURE1Excange provides estimates based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and tells you what can go up and down the value of FX or Crypto.

In conventional financial markets, OTC brokers facilitate the trade of securities which aren’t recorded on formal centralized exchanges, like the New York Stock Exchange. Over-The-Counter commerce relies on a trader network eased by OTC agents who negotiate directly with sellers and buyers within a computer system or the telephone. In cryptocurrency markets, OTC transactions will also be facilitated by OTC agents who negotiate directly with the seller and buyer. The task of an OTC agent is to locate natural buyers and sellers to get a transaction. The most important difference between centered exchange-based commerce and also over-the-counter commerce can be found in the anonymity offered with an OTC desk. OTC desks don’t supply a public purchase publication list all transactions, which permits large amounts to be transferred gently with no capability to interrupt markets.

In this case, future1exchanges has a great agreement with Paxos and OSL as a Prime Investment And Trading Opportunities In The Crypto Space.

this feature will make more benefits for the user as:
Top excellent services: Offering an easy way of trading. The Future1Exchange OTC Trading Desk Partners will call you via telephone, telegram, skype or any other telecommunication tools so you don’t need to do it with your own hands, you are the boss.

High Liquidity: OTC trading brings much liquidity with a large volume, it’s faster than on a Crypto Exchange in regular.

Fixed Price: Should you purchase considerable quantities of cryptos on an exchange you will likely understand the cost rise as your purchase is becoming executed. This is a result of the fact that as soon as you finish purchasing from the ”affordable” sellers you gradually proceed to the ”expensive” sellers. This means that you don’t have A fixed price for the buy. When you use an OTC trading desk you can negotiate A fixed cost.

By these benefits, I believe that ftuture1exchange will be the big player in the industry for 3–5 years forward. So this your chance to take the experience on this exchange.

  • PLATFORM — Ethereum (ERC-20)
  • SYMBOL — F1C
  • DECIMAL — 18





Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Future1Exchange project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Future1Exchange social media today please follow these resources:
Author : Rafaandika
Bitcointalk profile: 
Eth address: 

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019


Hello everyone....!!!!
we meet again on this occasion, and next time I will review a little about Tokoin.
for more details, let's be the same, refer to the following article:

Finance is one of the instruments that can make or mar a business or venture. The lack of the necessary funds tends to reduce the chances of a startup on the broader business community. It is on this stance that bigger and established brands take advantage of the system to flourish to the detriment of the upcoming competitors.

The monopolistic tendencies from different angles buoy the inability of companies around the globe to make the most out of their ventures. For instance, many startups struggle to gain the patronage of customers. They’re also torn between building their brand’s reputation and getting the trust of financial institutions to fund their operations.


Generally, the major challenge faced by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is not only hinged on funding. Although they need help to raise funds, it is also essential that they have a valid means of operation. That would not only boost their reputation but would also help investors and customers to take them seriously.

Although many of these startups have been working tirelessly to grow their brand, more efforts are needed to boost their reputation.


Blockchain is a disruptive technology that has the sole aim of fostering decentralized transactions in different sectors. The financial sector and supply chain have at various intervals, benefited from the features offered by the network.

In light of that, Tokoin opted to use the same architecture to bring revolution to the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) industry. The robustness of blockchain and the varieties of features on Tokoin combine to trigger an overhaul in the fortunes of startups that operate on the platform.

Let’s move into an in-depth analysis of the Tokoin blockchain to understand the benefits startups/small-scale enterprises would derive by porting their services to the network.


Let’s consider a scenario to understand this feature better. Let’s assume that you have a lending platform that issues loans to businesses at a stipulated interested rate. Then comes a business owner that is willing to conform to your terms provided you offer the loans. The transaction could have been successful if the business owner has sufficient information to back up the operations of his company. From your findings, the company in question just commenced operation a few months back. Would you be willing to fund such a business that is still young in the industry?

It’s not surprising that many investors would refrain from doing so. Even when they do, they will come up with almost requirements that may scare the borrower away. It all boils down to the fact that startups are considered inexperienced to weather the storm in the business setting. Aside from that, they’re just commencing; hence, they may not have many persons that could have supported them to boost their reputation.

It is on the premise of this challenge that the Tokoin blockchain set up the Digital Business Identity, which is an approach to boost the reputation of small-scale businesses on the network. The platform derives information from the transactions of these companies listed on it. With that, it builds a digital profile on the blockchain that reflects the reputation of such companies.


The Tokoin blockchain took the notch higher with the introduction of a credit scheme on the blockchain. It aims at solving the inefficiencies spotted in the real-world format, where investors such as banks are sceptical about issuing loans to startups. That informed the creation of the Tokoin ecosystem, which is the rallying point for the participants.

For instance, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are empowered to get funded by investors/financial intermediaries (banks) on the platform. The ecosystem also features suppliers, such as brands and companies that provide startups with products. Logistics companies are also part of the suppliers with the role of delivering products to startups.


It’s worthy of note that Tokoin is not just a decentralized platform for lending funds to MSMEs. It also doubles as a retail marketplace that ensures smooth transactions among the participants. Ideally, the suppliers are empowered to market their products and services to the target buyers (startups) on a B2B & B2C format.


Ticker: TOKO
Token Standard: ERC-20
Token Supply: 2 billion TOKO
Soft Cap: $8 million
Hard Cap: $25 million


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have been trampled upon in the conventional/traditional business setting. The neglect by financial institutions concerning funding them is one of the significant challenges that reduce the chances of these startups.

Now, the shine is about to come back too companies in this category as the Tokoin blockchain is here to reposition the industry for the best. The blockchain background and the varieties of features in the platform are geared at improving the fortunes of small-scale businesses in emerging markets.

Undoubtedly, the platform has the relevant infrastructure to perform. It is now the time for investors and suppliers to take advantage of the robust ecosystem provided by Tokoin to boost the chances of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the global business community.


Author: Rafaandika
Bitcointalk profile: 
Eth address: 

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2019

Belifex (BEFX)

Belifex blockchain is a blockchain database that supports and encourages community building and social interaction thanks to the payment of cryptocurrency rewards. His Belifex blockchain will focus primarily on all concepts of social media, advertising, artificial intelligence and a platform for collective adoption. Donations and charity are the key to collective adoption. An important key to inspiring society to participate is a currency or free market economy while building a system to support it. Each person’s contribution, will become a source of income. Belifex will be the first cryptocurrency to try to accurately and transparently reward individuals who make self-contributions to their community, charities and donations.
What is Belifex (BEFX)?
Belifex is an Ethereum-based token that enables quick and private transactions on blockchain. With the creation of its decentralized social media exchange platform, it will begin to create its own ecosystem.
Focus area:
Code Distribution:
1.1. Social Media: 1.2. Payment Gateway: 1.3. Advertising: 1.4. Donations and startups: 1.5. Artificial Intelligence: 1.6. Healthcare: 1.7. CEX and DEX exchange platform
Expected Products:
Belifex Social: This is the platform that makes people able to receive BEFX coins for the content they write or make
Payment Platform: The payment platform for the website / web workshops to implement BEFX easily on the platform, there is a kind of database that stores plugins
Belifex Ad Service: Advertising and donation platform for the company and startups
Market: Create a place where you can buy and sell goods. Machine learning tools:
Data learning applications, will bring more marketing incentives and human dynamics
Games using VRSocial Health application:
Performance applications, users will be rewarded when access to rewards. For example, you run 5 miles at a time. This would be good for getting sports people on the train.
Belifex Exchange Platforms: Belifex will create two exchange platforms for its community. Centralized and decentralized platform. This will be done to enable trading of both tokens and erc20 currencies.
Please join our official telegram for updates and important news about Belifex ..
Belifex Social: 
This is the platform that makes people able to receive BEFX coins for the content they write or make
Payment platform: 
the payment platform for the website / web workshops to implement BEFX easily on the platform there, the type of database what stores plugins
Belifex Advertising Service: 
advertising platform and donations for the company and startups
Create a place where you can buy and sell goods.
Machine learning applications and tools: 
Data learning applications, will bring more marketing incentives and human dynamics
Augmented Reality: 
Games that use VR
Social Health 
application : performance applications, users will be rewarded when access to rewards. For example, you run 5 miles at a time. This would be good for getting sports people on the train.
Belifex exchange platforms: Belifex 
will create 2 exchange platforms for its community. Centralized and decentralized platform. This will be done to enable trading of both tokens and erc20 currencies.
Author: Rafaandika
Bitcointalk profile: 
Eth address: 