Sabtu, 13 Juli 2019

VFARM Revolutionising Urban Agriculture

hello guys lets me now the big evolution for better on Agriculture do you know the very important of agriculture in life that will make life is better and then we must to learning together for important of food security do you know source important likes vitamins and then minerals and then all more implementation in to the body that will make health guys , so we must to keep your safety your food every day .
and then the management of food quality is very important and then controling on the management and then ecosystem on agricultural is very important so that will make all people in the world comfortable and then the health is very important .
if the management and ecosystem of the agriculture as well and then decentralized network for distribution of the food as well so that will make overall of the food safety as well to the all people in the world and then management of the risk is very well .
Today i will present the new of solution for better on make the quality of urban Agriculture lets present VFARM.
What is VFRAM ?
VFRAM have a good consept  because on there the platform as well and leading better in management of growing the quality  on market agriculture for better guys , we know demand in today is very high and the combination of technology for support the all ecosystem make establishing so that will make comfortable for all user for became on the platform .
VFRAM giving solution ojn agricultural , likes management on supplying th efood as well , product quality and then security system and then transparancy system ,and guaranted the platform so that will make as well .
Do you know guys the VFRAM have a good feature . likes the controling of delivery system and then reducing of the cost on interaction transaction and then getting more benefit for all stakeholders and earning inefficiencies .
that will make interested for all new user for became on the platforrm , with VRAM giving solution on make the market strategy for growing and then we know accelerations of the platform is very well the platform is very fast and powerfull , and management of the risk as well and then VFRAM have a good infrastructure and good decentralized network .
VFRAM giving more benefits and profitable for growing the market plan strategy , we know VFRAM make evolution likes management , good in patnership and trusted the platform .
Now lets present the technology implementation for make the establishing platform , blockchain technology impact with the blockchain  make all organizing the  quality of the platform as well , transport data as well , and then analysis on more problem very well and fast in accelerations .
Do you know VFram have best system , first you must to see the Modular user interface engine on the platform very well , and then application layer as well , and then management token as well , and use Agro Traceability blockchain .
VFram the feature as well see the platfrom is can use in on other device , likes Mobile ( IOS and Android ) , and with browser  , i think demand in future will be growing .
Detail of VFRAM : 
  • Token name : VFT 
  • Total Supply : 375,000,000 VFT
  • Price of token : $ 0.10
  • Hardcap : $ 10, Million
  • Accept : ETH , BTC , XRP , LTC
The starting the Public sale TBD , and then the Public sale TBD 
Detail All Team VFARM : 
  1. Rizzall Salleh ,Reseach Director 
  2. Iskandar Zaffa , Executive Director 
  3. Tarmizi Ibrahim , Chief Executive Officer
  4. Rahman Roslan , Brand Director 
  5. Shukri Ahmad , Chief Farm Officer
  6. Faizal Shebli , Blockchain , Big Data Specialist
  7. Qoyyum Roslan , Chief Marketing Officer
  8. Fadli Saad , Chief Technology Officer 
Advisor : 
  • Ong Ying Ping , Legal Advisor 
  • Carol Tan , ICO Marketing & PR Advisor 
  • Nur Syukri Zakaria , Blockchain Advisor 
  • Rashdan Romlee ,  Blockchain , ICO Advisor 

More detail VFRAM : 
Athor: Rafaandika
Bitcointalk profile: 
Eth address: 

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